How This “Rub-a-Dub” Helped My Mental Health


Poopy-di scoop.
 Whoop-di-scoop-di-poop. [Insert Eye Roll Emoji]

Relax. This isn’t another “woke” think piece on Kanye West.

photo-kanye-west copy

Although, I will say if you REALLY “miss the old Kayne,” you should check out the good folks over at, The Live Playlist for details on the #IMTOK tour. Sponsored by Disctopia and CelebYou, they’ve hit up nine major cities with a DOPE karaoke-style/cover band that introduces indie artist paying homage to the “college dropout.” They even had R&B sensation Elijah Blake out at the Chicago stop.

But no, this is a piece on mental health. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and with the way my April went and my May is set up, I can HONESTLY admit, to chanting the hook of “Lift Yourself,” quite a few times.

For weeks, I was looking forward to yesterday’s visit to The Happy Place Museum,

a multi-sensory activation with tons of Instagrammable moments, but when my car went into cardiac arrest on Tuesday, I was done. $80 worth of Uber rides for ONE DAY, and a possible $500 maintenance bill later, I was about to “throw the whole outing away.” But, I forced myself to go and I LOVED it! I came out with a few AMAZING photos and a lesson in self-care, as well!  Let’s jump into three things, I learned!

  1. Happiness is good for your heart. According to a 2010 study, just as negative emotions such as depression, anger, and hostility are risk factors for heart attack and stroke, happiness seems to protect the heart.
  2. Happiness is good for your immune system. A study of more than 7,000 adults found that those with a positive well-being were 47% more likely to consume fresh fruits and vegetables that have consistently been associated with a range of health benefits, including lower risks of diabetes, stroke and heart disease. And, I’ve definitely been getting my daily serving, with Greens on the Go!
  3. Happiness can lengthen your life. Being happy doesn’t just improve the quality of your life. According to a new study, it may increase the quantity of your life as well. Older people were up to 35% less likely to die during the five-year study if they reported feeling happy, excited, and content on a typical day. Even something as small as smiling regularly, made them happy.


And, thanks to The Happy Place Museum, I was happy yesterday…EVENING…because yesterday morning, I was giving EVERYONE the blues. LOL. Nonetheless, the flower bed,

Flower Field

the tub, the confetti dome, and a ton of other installations at the pop-up museum, really speak to the importance of integrating touch into a therapeutic setting (#Shoutout to my therapy friends who already know this, like Dr. Tymera Hines, who is currently developing and designing a sensory blanket for children with Autism). This helps to create a safe space, provide opportunities for engagement and de-escalation (i.e., my earlier attitude) and promotes self-care and recovery, like the DELICIOUS Rainbow Grilled Cheese I used for recovery, had for dinner.

rainbow grilled cheese
Image Courtesy of Chomp Eatery, Los Angeles


The creators of this museum and others are REALLY on to something! I think children and adults alike are drawn to such exhibits, of course for the “snaps,” but also because it really will make you happier. It definitely helped me!

With my favorite “Valley Girl,” @HU_Bunny

If you’re in Los Angeles and want to visit the museum, you have until May 27, to check it out. Tickets are $35, plus tax and fees. Live somewhere else? Don’t worry! I just got word the museum is traveling to Chicago next! Prepare to be HAPPY Chi-City!

8 thoughts on “How This “Rub-a-Dub” Helped My Mental Health

  1. I swear MA never has these good places lmao but i will have to work on smiling more and being more content/grateful. Looks like a great place to visit!


  2. This is super dope! I want to send you positives. Like the old saying “When it rains, it pours”. I have found that meditation has helped me with my sanity also. Taking a few moments out my day to just sit and think of NOTHING is life changing.


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